Dia de los Muertos Art | Day of the Dead Candle | Ofrenda decor | home Altar | Memorial Candle | Skull Art
Celebrate Dia de Los Muertos!
Day of the Dead Folk Art Decor and Altar Art
Day of the Dead ( Dia de los Muertos ) is a two day holiday every year which reunites the living and the dead. Families create offerings (ofrendas) to honor their departed family members and loved ones. These ofrendas sometimes called altars are decorated with yellow marigolds, photos, food, drinks, candles and colorful decor. These ofrendas can be seen in homes, at cemeteries or at Dia de los Muertos festivals throughout the country.
For this special holiday, Sablan Ceramics creates colorful one-of-a-kind handmade Mexican Tree of Life candle holders decorated with fun colors and quirky skulls to encourage joy and bring love and light to the memories of passed loved ones.
We offer custom and personalized Dia de los Muertos Mexican Trees of Life. If you would like more information please click here or send an email to sablanceramics@gmail.com. We would be honored to create a Dia de Los Muertos Mexican Tree of Life for your loved one!